Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Friends for a SeaSon...

This is one of my first moments to write about..

Autumn in Dzaghatsor, Armenia

What do you think of the people entering & leaving your life? How did they affect on you, your personality & the way you view life?..

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12 / 12 / '12

Tomorrow is 12 / 12 / '12 ... Is it a lucky Number? We have to wait & see. We wont be seeing this date ever again... Well at list not in a 100 years from now! Which means 99.9% of us wont be here! Or maybe all of us will be gone in less then a month, since they claim the world will end on 21 / 12 / 2012 , as they said back in year 2000. Well, for me, I believe that the World will end only when God decides! No one will know about it until it begins to happen!

Anyways! Since tomorrow is a special day, why don't we choose 12 special things to do in a single day?! What would be your 12 special things?

An old Graveyard at the back side of my office

Let's all write our lists & share it with each other!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Back to Action!

Hello Everyone!

I'm finally back to action! Back to blogging, with more time now to share with you my latest shots, thoughts, quotes & Blue Blue Moments!

You can now follow me also on my Facebook page, ... & on Instagram at Blue Blue Moments

Wish you all a great day! Don't forget to share with me your Moments! ;)

Stay tuned for the latest posts, coming soon...